Below are the various City of Hart boards and commissions. Meeting times, dates, and locations are subject to change.
As set forth in the Charter of the City of Hart, officers and members of boards and commissions of the City shall possess and be vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities and duties, expressed or implied, by State law, in addition to the powers, privileges, immunities and duties prescribed by this Charter or by ordinance.
If you are interested in a position on a board or commission you can apply here.
Read the Board and Committee Appointment Procedure to learn the process for board member selection.
Meets the third Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. at City Hall.
In 1983, the Hart City Council created a Tax Increment Finance Authority (TIFA) and adopted a Development Plan to halt the decline in property values, increase proper tax valuation, eliminate the causes of the decline in property values, and promote growth within a designated area of the City. TIFA captures a portion of the increase in values to invest in public improvements and strengthen the Development Area. This is to be accomplished by using the incremental tax revenues generated in the Development Area to make public improvements and induce private redevelopment. It is anticipated that the public improvements proposed and the private improvements they induce will provide long-term stability and growth. This will greatly benefit all taxing jurisdictions, which to a significant degree are dependent upon the well-being of the TIFA District.
Nichole Kleiner, Administrator
(231) 923-0920 |
Deborah Windell, Chair
Gale Goldberg, Vice Chair
Bill Hegg, Member
Tracey Lipps, Member
Scott Hegg, Treasurer
Amy Trudell, Member
Caleb Griffis, Member
Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 2:00 pm, at City Hall
The Hart Economic & Redevelopment Team's mission is to develop and implement creative community-based strategies to enhance economic opportunity through educational partnerships, a consolidated infrastructure system, regional collaboration, business retention and attraction, high quality of life, and a strong sense of community.
Nichole Kleiner, Economic & Community Development Director
(231) 923-0920 |
Download a File:
City of Hart Boards, Commissions Application (PDF)
Board Member Appointment Procedure (PDF)
Meetings are held 1st Tuesday of the month at 4:00 p.m., at City Hall.
The Hart BioPure/Water Board's purpose is to make recommendations and grant advice to Council for the operation, development, production, distribution, collection and purchase of all water and
wastewater utility services.
Paul Cutter
BioPure Superintendant
(231) 873-2259 |
Notice of time and place of the sessions of the Board of Review will be published by the clerk 10 days prior to the Board's first session.
The Board of Review shall have the power to correct or amend the assessment roll and to increase or decrease any assessment or valuation of taxable property, to strike therefrom any property wrongfully listed, or add any property rightfully taxable, either on its own motion or at the request of any person.
Meets the 1st Monday in March and remains in session for at least two (2) days at such time of day and place as shall be designated by the Council for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment roll. Not less than one of the sessions of the Board of Review will be an evening session from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Vickie Warner, Assessor
(231) 923-0354 |
Download a File:
Veterans Property Tax Exemption (PDF)
City of Hart Poverty Exemption Application (PDF)
Poverty Exemption Affidavit (PDF)
Meets as needed. Meetings will be posted here 10 days in advance.
The Board of Appeals shall have the power to authorize variances from the provisions of the Zoning Code.
Rob Splane, Zoning Administrator
92310 873-3546 |
Meets as needed, date and time will be posted here 10 days prior.
A Lake Improvement Board operates under the provisions of The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (excerpt) Public Act 451 of 1994, Part 309, as amended, and is established to address relevant lake improvement issues. They include the oversight of aquatic weed control programs, nuisance control, and other educational activities.
Members of a Lake Improvement Board consist of a member of the County Board of Commissioners that represents that district, The County Drain Commissioner, one representative from each of the local units of government (city, village, and township) in which the lake is located (or two representatives if there is just one local unit of government) and a riparian property owner on the lake.
Denny Powers, Member
Michelle Martin, Member
Dick Huntington, Member
Vicki Platt, Mayor
Meets on the first Thursday of the Month at 4:00 p.m., at City Hall.
The City Planning Commission shall have such powers concerning the preparation and adoption of a master plan or any part thereof, for making of surveys as a basis for such plan, for the approval of public improvements, for the carrying out of educational and publicity programs, and for the approval of plats, and such other rights, powers, duties and responsibilities as are provided in Act 110 of the Public Acts of 2006, as amended.
Rob Splane, Zoning Administrator
(231) 873-3546 |
Betty Root, Chair
Jim Evans, Councilor
Cynthia Fout, Member
Diane LaPorte, Member
Jim Cunningham, Vice Chair
Gale Goldberg, Member
Meets the first Monday of the month at 8:30 a.m., at City Hall.
The Board of Power and Light's responsibility for advice and recommendations shall include all aspects of the operation of the Hart Electric Generation and Distribution Plant, including, but not limited to, the establishment of electrical rates, entering into contracts with any public or private corporation or any individual for the production, purchase and distribution of electrical services and the development of a general plan for the long-range electrical service needs of the City of Hart and its electric customers.
Mike Schiller, Hart Electric Superintendant
(231) 873-5367 |
Mike Powers, Chair
Gayle Forner, Member
Bill Volpp, Member
Nick Wadel, Member
Dean Hodges, Council
Catalina Burillo, Councilor Alt.
407 State St. Map
Hart, Michigan 49420
Phone: 231-873-2488
Fax: 231-873-0100
City Manager: 231-873-3546
Clerk: 231-923-0012
Accounts Payable: 231-923-3810
Utilities: 231-923-3837
Hart Police Department: 231-923-0696 or 231-923-0851
Central Dispatch: 231-869-5858.
8:00a to 5:00p, Monday-Friday